3 de março de 2014
Dark Color "Revolutions"
Speaking about the United States, the great leader of the Cuban
Independence, José Martí, said once: "I know the monster because I had
lived inside its guts". Based on this comment − which took place in the
second half of the 19th century − we might understand how the American
interference in Latin America dates back to such a long time.
During the 20th century the US did even worse than during Spanish-Cuban
War: they toppled dozen of elected governments − from Guatemala, in
1954, to the most recent case of Paraguay, in 2012 − besides supporting
lots of dictatorships like that of Sargent Fulgencio Batista – who took
over the power in Cuba aboard an American warship – and the clan of the
Somozas, in Nicaragua, to the Brazilian and Argentinian generals, and in
addition shot Allende, Omar Torrijos, sacked the natural resources of
many countries, etc.
Right now, they have just overthrown an elected government in Ukraine
and I suspect that although they have enjoyed some support from the
population to do so they will do business as usual: to oppress, destroy
and annihilate all kinds of dissent whenever they happen. Bad for the
people of Ukraine but also bad for Europe which, from now on, will be
able to know the worst of the US, fact that we have been experiencing
since the 19th century. In this sense, we may understand how the
inhabitants of Eastern countries feel today because Russia has probably
done the same.
As a Brazilian I of course am aware of what the Americans and his
puppets have done for almost a century to Latin America, and understand
perfectly well what the American and his European puppets are doing
right now to Ukraine. Even now in Brazil we are suffering what those
sinister "black blocs" are performing in the country, probably paid by
the Americans as it is happening with most protesters in Ukraine who
have received US$50 a day for performing barbaric acts of violence.
For those who like myself have watched a dozen of videos showing armed
groups bombing public buildings, those events don’t characterize as a
popular uprising and are even far from what a revolution is: what we saw
were not single and isolated hordes but an organized thug of war aimed
at destabilizing an elected government.
In case you haven't seen them, you can follow this
As for the Russians, what needs to be said is that since the fall of
Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has adopted a different approach,
and is now the real balanced force that is averting many mad American
military adventures, as has just happened in Syria when the interference
of Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov impeached − at
least, for the time being − the destruction of the only secular Arab
The same goes also for Spain, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy,
and Germany that have colonized large or small parts of the world, in
some cases for centuries ahead. What comes out is that, with
their historical background, neither Europe nor the US can talk about
democracy and teach lessons to Ukraine or Russia.
So nasty is the American and NATO power today that a lot of people start
to question what is really worse: the Stalinist era or the
post-Stalinist neocon rule under the aegis of the "Axis of the Evil" −
United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
For those reasons, many Latin American citizens are now saluting the
upcoming arrival of Russians in the region, where – they hope – its
military bases might protect us from Obama and his mercenaries.
This is why, as a Brazilian, I may say like the great Cuban poet Martí:
“I know the monster...” (March 3rd, 2014)
Sérvulo Siqueira